Once somebody tell us...

At Posidònia, we are deeply committed to sustainable living and minimizing our impact on the environment. One of the ways we do this is by respecting and caring for the local ecosystem, including the Posidonia oceanica seaweed that is found in the waters surrounding our hotel.

Posidonia oceanica is a seagrass species that is native to the Mediterranean Sea and plays a crucial role in maintaining the health and biodiversity of the region's coastal ecosystem. It helps to oxygenate the water, stabilize the sediment, and provide a habitat for many different species of marine life.

Unfortunately, Posidonia oceanica is under threat due to a range of environmental factors, including pollution, coastal development, and climate change. As a hotel that is located in close proximity to this important seaweed, we recognize our responsibility to protect it and help to ensure its survival.

That's why we have implemented a range of measures to minimize our impact on the local environment and promote sustainability. For example, we use eco-friendly cleaning products, recycle our waste, and minimize our water usage. We also work closely with local conservation organizations to support efforts to protect Posidonia oceanica and other important marine species.

By choosing to stay at Posidònia, you can feel good knowing that you are supporting a hotel that is committed to sustainable living and protecting the local environment, including the beautiful Posidonia oceanica seaweed.

Our values are...


